Nominations for Office Bearers for 1960 were disappointing with five positions, including that of Captain, receiving no nominations. The Membership for 1959 was 336 of which 182 were Members and 126 Associates. The Financial Statement showed a profit of £63/10/11d. During 1959 the Cairns District experienced a long-wet season, which continued until the end of June, and this had an influence on the finances of the Club.
The dispute over the use of bar stools was again aired at meetings during 1960 but was again dismissed. The Financial Statement for 1960 showed that the Club had made a profit of £448/2/4d. The January Meeting confirmed the policy that ‘practice fees’ should be paid by Members practicing on the course, the only portion of the course not attracting the fees was the putting green. This rule would remain in force until it was rescinded some years later.
At the September Meeting, the President related discussions he had with the President of the Q.G.U, regarding an application for the staging of the Queensland Close Championships in Cairns in 1962. The club was advised the Event for the current year was decided, but it was possible to stage the Event in Cairns in 1963. Conditions applying included a Professional’s Purse of £250d, with leading players to be compensated for expenses outlaid by them.
A Motion at the November Meeting that “the sum of £1.200d be put aside for the installation of a Watering System, and that firm quotes be obtained, and considered, by a Special Committee consisting of the President, Secretary and Greens Committee” Motion was passed.
In 1962 The Membership stood at 404 which included 233 Members and 143 Associates. The Financial Statement showed a profit of £2,233/13/10d for 1961 as against £448/2/24d in 1960.In 1961 a debate arose regarding the wearing of ripple soled shoes, after receiving advice from Townsville, this type of shoe was banned from use on the Cairns course. A Notice of Motion was put forward rescinding the instruction, the subsequent March Meeting saw the instruction being withdrawn. The Queensland Close Championships in 1963 was discussed at the May Meeting. A dispute arose between the F. N. Q. G. A. and the Club, and staging of the event was deferred until after the August Meeting, a further application was made and accepted.
A complaint of Associates hitting up on Members during Saturday afternoon competitions was received at the May Meeting. The Meeting argued that while Members played in fours, Associates played in twos. The Associates were advised that in future, when a Members Fourball event was being played Associates must play the same event. Complaints were received of Members playing the course on Ladies Day, the Committee confirmed that Associates had exclusive rights to the course on this day.
The A.G.M. in 1963 showed a Membership of 355 including 212 Members and 120 Associates. The Financial Statement for 1962 showed a profit of £468/6/5d, a drop from 1961, reasons given were £1,291 outlaid on extensions to the Clubhouse and £1,567 for a new cold room. The Statement noted that wages jumped from £2,950 in 1959 to £4,350/0/0d in 1962.
The professional applied for permission to run the Saturday competitions, and for painting to have the Pro shop painted. Both requests were approved. Another request for permission to use space under the bar for buggy storage was refused, as it was allocated to the Steward as a parking area. He spent many hours before the Committee asking for more benefits or answering claims of misconduct. His major failing was his inability to attend to his duties as Professional. He was responsible for the introduction of the City of Cairns Golf Tournament.
The Queensland Close Championship was held in Cairns in June 1963, and was the 1st time an event of this importance was held on the Cairns course. The July Meeting received a report regarding the introduction of a Night Driving Range. The cost of installing the facility was £293 and was available from 7pm to 9.30pm on Tuesday and Thursday nights. In its first year of operation, it generated revenue of £260, but its popularity declined, and it closed after several years of operation.
A Real Estate Agent advised the Club in October 1963 that the property bordering its southern boundary, owned by Mrs. Alice Smith, was for sale. It was successfully moved, “that an offer to purchase the farm be made, subject to inspection. – an offer to be made after the inspection.” After inspection an offer of £2,750 was made. Several Meetings were called to discuss the purchase.
The first in December 1963 agreed to its purchase, but no steps were taken.
A second Special Meeting in January 1964 was told that Mrs. Smith had received a better offer than that of the Club. Mrs. Smith later claimed that the second offer was accepted as the Club made no payments, however, as the latest offer was not finalized, was the club still interested in the purchase of the land.
A third meeting called to discuss the latest offer and it was moved that Club advise it was not prepared to increase its offer of £2,750/0/d.” The motion was carried. In 1984 a private Land Valuer, valued the land in question at $250,000.00.
The December Meeting received a letter from the Qld. P.G.A. regarding the introduction of a
Queensland Circuit being introduced in 1964, inviting Cairns to be part of that circuit. It was moved, “that the Offer be accepted to include Cairns in the circuit, but that the actual amount of the purse be decided by next year’s Committee.” The motion was passed.
Membership for 1963 stood at 390, comprising 234 Members and 133 Associates, with a profit of £2,780/17/11d. Income for the year was £9,266/12/10d with Expenditure being £8,987/14/11d. The Annual Meeting agreed to increase the weekly rate paid to the Club's Secretaries of £10.
On advice from the F.N.Q.G.A. the Club agreed to a proposal that handicaps for Members and Associates used at Annuals be 24/18 and 30/23. That no green fees were to be charged for play on the practice fairway." The acceptance of this Motion would rescind a ruling that had been in existance for 42 years.
The Captain, at the April Meeting in 1964 advised that Saturday afternoon fields had increased with fields of 120 Members and 20 Associates playing. He recommended that starting times prior to 12.30 pm be used. He asked that Associates hit off after 1.30 pm.
An approach from the Queensland Branch of the P. G.A. necessitated the calling of a Special Committee Meeting in June 1964, to discuss arrangements regarding the tour by Queensland Golf Professionals, scheduled to play in Cairns on Wednesday 29th July. A purse of £200 was on offer and the Purse comprised the following—Donations £127, raffle £54, Calcutta £13 and entry fees £13. The Club was asked to consider the staging of a Professional / Amateur event in 1965 with a purse of £1,000/0/0d. Approval was granted but dates allocated were not those as requested by the Club and problems occurred, as the dates clashed with major events in Brisbane.
In January 1965 the Club reapplied for the event to be held on 1st August 1965,which was approved.
John Hadley was the driving force behind the "City of Cairns" Professional Tournament, which had its origins in 1965. The prospects of a Golf Tournament with a purse of a £1000 was, to most golf clubs outside the city area, a `pipe dream', and only a person with the drive of Hadley would be expected to attempt such an event. The dream would in fact become a reality. It would become the most successful event in Country Queensland.
Membership for 1964 was 417, made up of 242 Members and 139 Associates, the Club recorded a financial loss of £700. At the Meeting visitors green fees were set at 10/0d for Members and 7/6d for Associates. The Annual report noted that green staff employed by the Club numbered 2, with a third man being employed when necessary.
Members at the Annual Meeting resolved that Time Sheets be employed for Competitions in 50 percent of all events held. The Collection of green fees prior to 1965 were made by the Steward or Club Professional, a Special Meeting held in February 1965 resolved that Committeemen be rostered to collect fees on Competition days. The Roster was later abandoned when it was found impracticable, and the collection of fees were left in the hands of the President, Treasurer and Greens Committee. Up to the year 2000, competition fees are collected by the Match Committee, and would change after 2000 with fees collected by the Professional.
Reciprocal Rights were aired at Meetings during 1965 when the Captain advised that one visitor had been playing at the Club for the past four months using this concession. He advised that no limit had been imposed on his application. The Meeting resolved to review the whole issue, and the person concerned be interviewed to ascertain his intentions.
The first paid Secretary/Manager of the Club was appointed by the 1965 July Meeting, on a yearly salary of £1,500. The 1965 June Meeting dealt with replacement of a house for the Green keeper, which was in need of major repairs. A replacement house, located in Woodward Street, Edge Hill, was being rermoved for a Shell Service Station development, was bought for £600
The construction of a Piggery on the land owned by Mrs. Smith ( also known as Donaghy'paddock) was the centre of discussion at the October Meeting, with a petition being lodged with the Mulgrave Shire Council. The petition was to no avail, as the Council replied that prior approval had been sought and granted from the Council.

Muriel Pedersen, Mrs Barclay and Mrs H Hastie

Dot Berwick, Bet Shaw, Ethel Kerr, Marg Toovey, Bib Durant, Miss Jones, Thelma Upton