The Annual Meeting revealed that Competition fees were down by £74 to £67. Subs. were up by £416 and bar trading was up by £343. The Club made a profit of £579/7/5d in 1965.
The report given in the Annual Report on the first "City of Cairns" Professional Tournament held in August 1965, although minus figures, notes the professionals played for the "Gold Top" purse of £250. The Tournament remained a Professional/Amateur event until 1974 when it was discontinued and played as a purely Amateur event.
The use of time sheets was not a common practice during the early years of the club, the numbers playing did not warrant them. The 1966 February meeting approved their use for Saturday competitions, with a recommendation that associates tee off between 11.30am and 12.15pm from the 10th tee. The use of the sheets brought complaints that only 30% of members were using them, the remainder arriving without prior bookings.
At the the 1966 July meeting a motion was successfully moved, "that the associates be granted sole use of the tees on Thursdays from 12.30pm until 3pm and that suitable signs be erected." The meeting also resolved that the associates have use of the 10th tee up to 12.20pm on Saturdays and that while there are large fields of members on Saturday, associates confine Saturdays to working business girls.
Nomination fees for 1967 were set at $5 for members and $2.50 for associates with annual subscriptions being $25 for members and $13 for associates. Green fees were set at 30 cents for members on weekdays and 40 cents on weekends with visitors paying $1. Associates were to pay 25 cents on weekdays and 30 cents on weekends.
The only other matter of interest from meetings held during 1966 was those four special parking spaces be provided for the four seniors officials, namely – The Patron, President, Vice President and Captain, and that the Greens Committee be instructed to allocate the positions and erect suitable notices.” The number of spots would be increased to 5 in 1967 with the position of Vice Captain being included. The reserved committee parking spots were very contentious, as spots in later years would be allotted to all members of the committee. They were situated in the most attractive areas, and the privilege would be abused by members and associates alike.
The membership for 1966 was shown as 428, a decrease of 13 over 1965, including 268 members and 127 associates, again no juniors were listed in the report. An item of interest in the report was the greens budget. The 1967 Greens Committee budget amounted to $3,100, comprising purchase of a green’s mower for $400, spares for $200, a replacement Victa mower for $100, general repairs of $500 and the hiring of loading equipment at $200. Other expenses such as ashes, fertilizer, sand, improvements to several tees and the reconstruction of 5 greens came to $1,700 — A total yearly budget of $4,800. Annual Subs. were $25.00 for members and $13.00 for associates.
During February 1967, the professional approached the committee with an offer to collect green fees. He also asked that his retainer be increased to $5 per week — both requests were approved. The construction of a new clubhouse was discussed at the February meeting, with plans to be available by May 1967. They were advised that the boundaries of the club, near the 9th tee, were situated on a public road. Steps were taken to have the road temporarily closed. A head green keeper at the April meeting on a salary of $50 per week, a car allowance of $2.00 per week, plus free occupancy of the club residence with free power. Handicap limits for members be 24 for all Four Ball events over 18 holes and those events be declared as major events.
The playing of Juniors during competitions on Saturday afternoons was debated at several meetings during 1967, with the matter first being aired at the May meeting when it was decided against their play. This was overturned in June, with a proviso that approvals be obtained from the Club Captain or his nominee. A final resolution was passed in July 1967, “Junior members to the age of 18 years, be not permitted to play in club fixtures on Saturday afternoons.”.
In September 1967 a cleaner, on a salary of $10, rose to $17.50 in October when he was given additional duties. These consisted of assisting with starting competition fields, the maintenance of records, writing up the results board and other match matters. Charles Stringer was the Official Starter of the Club, spending weekends and Wednesdays at the club performing these duties. An old sea captain, he escaped Japanese captivity in World War Two by sailing from the Dutch East Indies to Australia, using a school atlas as a navigational aid. He was admired by all, so much so, that as a token of the Clubs appreciation he was elevated to Life Membership.
The Annual Subscriptions for 1968 were – Members $35, Associates $20 with an entrance fee of $8 for Members and $4 for Associates, Country, Non-Playing and Junior Members. The Annual Meeting for 1968 was advised of the formation of the “Cairns All Sports Club” which had its own constitution, and a properly constituted Committee. The Sporters Club remained a strong constituted body, holding competitions each Wednesday.
The All Sports Club had its origins as a gathering of Police Officers, playing regular social games at the Cairns course on Tuesdays. The number of games conducted prior to 1967 is
The Membership in 1967 was 439, with 282 Members and 114 Associates, and Juniors were shown as 11. The annual revenue account showed an excess of expenditure over income of $648.40 with competition fees for 1967 as $302. The City of Cairns Tournament in 1967 netted a profit of $122.71 – not including bar profits.
Membership for 1968 was 473, with 298 Members and 130 Associates. The December 1968 Meeting debated the construction of a dam on the site where the present 2nd hole is located. The latter months of 1968 were very dry, and the Club was in dire straits obtaining water to maintain its greens, and the Construction of the dam was decided upon to ease the problem.
The work on the dam had not reached its desired depth when seepage was encountered. A “swamp dozer” was borrowed, and although guaranteed that it could “walk on water” it was promptly bogged. After much trouble the dozer was extricated, and work terminated – never to be recommenced.
It was introduced that a minimum of 20 players be necessary for a field competing for trophy events and any less than that, play would be for sweepstakes and persons residing permanently in the Cairns area are not entitled to reciprocal rights.
The construction of a new clubhouse was discussed at a Special Meeting called on 23rd April 1969, where it was successfully moved “this committee recommend that the
project of building a new clubhouse be proceeded with.” A special building committee to oversee plans for the new clubhouse consisted of was formed.
Points of interest:
The Clubhouse was a two storied wooden building with Members and Associates locker rooms underneath. A fenced putting green to the front of the building. The Pro had his shop and work area, as well as storage area, in the downstairs area, storing golfing equipment and offering a cleaning service – at a fee.
A Starters Box was located at the front of the Professional’s Shop. The Upstairs portion of the Clubhouse contained the bar, lounge, kitchen and living quarters for the Steward. A small patio occupied the area leading into the bar. The Patio overlooked the 9th green and fairway (still Number 9) and was popular with Members, as it afforded a good view of the 9th hole. A favorite past time of those occupying the patio was to wager bets on the abilities of players playing the 9th fairway, - i.e., the number of shots each took to reach the green and the number of putts taken.
Members were rostered weekly to assist the Steward. Volunteers served drinks, at the same time drinking with members. Regular staff served in one area leaving one end to be attended by volunteers. As well as serving, House Committee members assisted in the changing of kegs and other bar work during busy conditions.
The Clubhouse was destroyed by fire on Christmas Night 1970. The new Clubhouse was under
construction, but it would be several months later before the facilities could be used. A temporary bar was set up in a lock up shed beside the big tree (still standing) beside the 18th Green. One very popular bet during this period was to wager that a golf ball could not be hit over the tree mentioned in the previous paragraph, with a five iron. One Condition applying was that the balls had to be hit from beside the shed, which was no more than five metres away.
The Course during the late sixties and early seventies was maintained by a staff of three- and a-part timer when the need arose. The main implements used in the mowing of the Course consisted of a gang mower, a Howard rotary Slasher with a couple of ancient tractors to pull them. The tractors were old and included a red International.
The rough ran riot in wet conditions. Golf balls hit into the rough, stayed there, as no one in their right mind would venture into it. Problems caused by “seedy Grass,” which grew in profusion, were many and players after 18 holes threw socks away in preference to picking out seeds. The standard piece of equipment carried by every golfer at the time, was a blunt knife, bottle top, or piece of glass, whose main function was to scrape seeds out of socks.
The area between the present 6th and 7th fairways was a swamp. Six months of the year it was impossible to enter the area and would be weeks before any clearing was attempted. A halfway house was built, and many are the times that players stood drinking a stubbie while waiting their turn to tee off. No drinks buggy drove the course, and the halfway house was always eagerly sought, especially during the summer months.
“Working bees” were regularly organized to assist the hired staff of the Course. The greatest difficulties encountered in those years were the sodden state of fairways, it rained a lot during the week and the only time one could get onto the Course to do any work was at weekends.
On weekends members would bring privately owned lawn mowers and other equipment to cut roughs and help in the cleaning of bunkers. “Working bees” were common with Members and
Associates are always willing to assist. The few beers that were drank after a hard day’s work added to the atmosphere of the “outing”. The Associates assisted by providing drinks and sandwiches.
Membership for 1968 was 473, with 298 Members and 130 Associates. The December 1968 Meeting debated the construction of a dam on the site where the present 11th hole is located. The latter months of 1968 were very dry, and the Club was in dire straits obtaining water to maintain its greens, and the Construction of the dam was decided upon to ease the problem.
Mark Nash and Lex Plant in the early ‘80’s. Mark won 4 City of Cairns amateur titles before turning Professional.