During his annual report the incoming captain, raised the issue of a one tee hit off for Saturday competitions, and after discussions the meeting agreed to trial it for the Saturday competitions during January 1997. Still on match matter it was stated the halfway break by Saturday afternoon golfers caused slow play, to which the captain replied that in his opinion this was not the case.
The annual meeting approved the elevation of Mrs. Gillian Hayles to a life member of the club. The question of motorized carts on the course was raised and then hen moved, “that a committee of businessmen be formed to further investigate the matter of the purchase of carts and that the current purchase be postponed.” When put to the meeting the motion was lost.
The December 1996 meeting heard that the cart shed to garage the Club’s hire carts would be completed by Christmas, with the carts scheduled for delivery in the first week of January 1997. The General Manager at the January 1997 meeting advised that the A.G.U. had made requests for the details on all members in relation to the new computerized Golf Link system. The Golf Link system is the computerised handicapping system linking all golf clubs in Australia.
The 1997 January meeting discussed the status of 40 country members who were accepted as such by the club but did not strictly conform to the rules governing country memberships. The members concerned worked in New Guinea, regularly returning to homes established in Cairns, but were not members of other golf clubs. Many had been associated with the Cairns Golf Club for years and the meeting
resolved they would continue within this classification, until such time as they resigned, or requested transfer to another classification. It was resolved that they could not participate in Club Championships. The January meeting also agreed that all staff employed by the Club were eligible to join the Club as Honorary Members, at no cost, but were ineligible to win major events, including medal rounds or Championships.
The January meeting was advised by Mr. Cuk that revenue received from the hire of golf carts in its first weeks exceeded all expectations. The average daily revenue equated to $500.00 per day, with each cart operating at least 1.2 full rounds of golf per cart per day. Total revenue to date, after twelve days operation, was $6,095.00.
The February meeting set the fees for the storage of electric carts and moved successfully, “the hiring rate for the connection of privately-owned electric buggies to the existing Club’s power supply will be $60.00 per annum, the fee for carts stored in the secure lock up at the rear of the professional’s shop be $100.00 per annum, including power.”
The first mention of cart paths appeared at the February 1997 meeting when it was moved successfully, “the cart paths when approved for commencement by the board of directors, are to be constructed in accordance with the layout included in the Golf Course master plan.” It was not until 1999 that construction of paths would start, and the location of the paths would not follow the master plan, but a route specially designed by the green’s director with input from the board of directors.
The match report submitted by the captain, advised that a referendum submitted to members on the 25th January 1997 approved a one tee hit off on Saturdays, which will commence on Saturday 11th February 1997. The one tee hit off would remain a controversial issue until rescinded during April 1997. Its only drawback was that it reduced the number of tee spots available at the one time from two to one, and for this reason, it was not acceptable by a number of members. In order to avoid a confrontation, the procedure was withdrawn.
The Meeting also received an offer, regarding the club’s purchase of a hickory shafted golf club which had been made by the club’s first professional. An offer was made, and the club became the owner of the golf club which now rests in the club’s trophy cabinet.
Correspondence from the Department of National resources advised that the latest revaluation of the property comprising the Golf Club was $560,000.00. For many years the coming of winter would see a die back of many greens and tees, and 1997 was no exception. Two of the worst affected greens would be the old 16th and 9th, and as in previous years, the lack of grass growth would be blamed on a lack of sunlight. The greens recovered, but competitions would be disrupted until well into the middle of the year. The old 16thgreen would continue to cause troubles, and during the latter half of 1999 and the early months of 2000 the growth of grass was practically nonexistent. In the year 2000 all hopes of a complete recovery were exhausted and steps were to be taken to completely rebuild it.
The May 1997 meeting heard that the ‘one tee’ policy had been withdrawn, with
competitions on Saturdays started from two tees. The captain asked the meeting, that booking sheets for weekend events be available 15 days before the event.
Note: The timing of the release of time sheets was a contentious one. In 1999 the match committee decreed that time sheets be released 7 days prior to the event, due to an opinion that the release of sheets earlier would decrease problems associated with players not reporting for games.
The question of reciprocal rights was raised by at the 1997 May meeting when he
advised that the current fee for reciprocal rights was $10.00 per round respective of whether it be social or competition. In 1998 he drew up formula where reciprocal rights were divided into two categories –
The first category would entitle members of specified golf clubs to play on the Cairns course for the same fees as charged to Cairns members.
The second category, titled visiting rights, included all clubs in the F.N.Q.G.A. and those not included in category one, and entitled play on the course for a fee approximately half the fees charged to social players. Reciprocal rights agreements would be canvassed with all clubs and would be put into place during 1998.
On the 25th March 1993 Mr. N. Johnson whilst playing on the course, with a companion, was the subject of a serious accident in which his leg was broken. His companion was driving a privately hired cart which pinned Johnson against a tree.
The captain in his report in May 1997 recommended that the offer of $3.00 per player per day by the F.N.Q.G.A. was insufficient to compensate the club for its work in preparing the course for its championship. He asked in future, major events conducted by outside bodies be levied $5.00 per player per day. The meeting accepted the recommendation.
The July 1997 meeting discussed the rumours, innuendos and comments being made regarding changes to the old 12th hole. It was resolved that the membership be asked in a simple ballot, extending over a week, to approve the changing of the 12th hole to par 5 by the construction of a new green. The referendum commenced on the 16th of August and approval was received.
The 1997 September meeting was told by the General Manager that an estimate of costs to date for the reconstruction of the 12th fairway and green was $16,000.00. The Meeting agreed that tee construction was to be excluded from the costs. It was agreed that the old 12th green would be removed once the new green was put into play. The work on the 12th fairway and the green was completed by November 1997, and the board meeting held on 25th November, resolved it would not rush the green into play leaving it in the hands of the greens committee.
The September 1997 meeting was told that the Powerlink Corporation would commission its towers near the old 14th and 4th fairways in December 1997, the old towers would be dismantled in 1998. The roads constructed by the board for their use were removed during l998.
The Government policy governing gaming machines was changed during 1997, and the leasing of machines from the Queensland Government ceased. New poker machines were to be purchased, not hired, from the Government, machines already leased be converted to club ownership. It was agreed that machines be replaced every 4 years.
The status of Tuesday afternoon competitions was discussed at the September meeting and moved, “that the board of directors approve that the Tuesday competition be turned into a turkey trot.”
The format of the competition to be -
- Players can play at any time on Tuesdays and there will be no set competition time.
- Corporate or trade days shall take priority over the competition.
- Competition is to be run similar as that now from the Pro Shop.
Under the classes of membership, it was proposed to create two new classifications that of “5 day playing members” and “executive members.” Associate membership would be abolished, as all members (male and female) would come under the one class of membership. The composition of the board of directors would be restricted to 7 members, with a separate women’s committee to handle the affairs of female members. The new constitution would rule that a member may not be elected to any office unless he was a full playing member or life member of at least 12 months standing.
The subscriptions and entrance fees for 1998 put to the membership at the annual meeting were
Nom Fee Subs. Fee Nom Fee Subs. Fee
Members $250.00 $470.00 Associates $125.00 $395.00
C/Members $ 30.00 $140.00 C/Assocs. $ 30.00 $115.00
Locker fees (Per Annum) ——— $ 20.00
Golf Cart storage ( Per Annum) ——— $ 75.00